Whey protein and probiotics improved body factors
What is metabolic syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of some or all of these symptoms: elevated blood pressure or sugar; excess abdominal fat; imbalanced cholesterol or triglycerides, with links to overweight and inactivity.
Whey protein lowered blood sugar
In this study, 18 people with type 2 diabetes took a placebo beverage or one with a premixed 15 gram dose of whey protein, three times per day, 10 minutes before meals.
After seven days, while the placebo group had not changed, blood sugar levels reverted to normal for an additional two hours per day in those taking whey protein; an 8.3 percent increase in normal levels. Over 24 hours, blood sugar concentrations ran 0.6 micromoles per liter of blood lower for whey protein than placebo.
Reference: BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care; 2022, Vol. 10, No. 3
Probiotic reduced body fat
In this study, 100 overweight participants took a placebo or 20 billion colony forming units of lactobacillus plantarum per day. By week six, the probiotics group had begun losing weight, and by 12 weeks, had lost an average 1.9 pounds of body weight, and 0.3 inches of waist circumference.
After 12 weeks, abdominal fat around the organs, known as visceral fat, had decreased by 1.86 square inches for probiotics, while the placebo group had not improved in any of these measures.
Insulin levels and insulin resistance decreased for probiotics, as did leptin, the hormone that regulates fat storage and controls hunger, meaning the probiotics group had become more sensitive to leptin. The placebo group increased in all these measures.
Reference: Diabetes & Metabolism Journal; 2022, Article No. 0370
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